Irts a kittydoggo from a another planet. But she is a Science soOoo. Her name is charger she char...
My friend gave it too me =>> (not the one that likes me)
Im so fucking happy your a alive bItCh
gOTta sWEep sWeEp swEEP
my grandma woke me up early =<= seen she is watching me so yeahhh.
No I had a amazing day..! Now.. now I lost my best friend.......
Hopefully she doesn't think im werid she likes me back but I never ask if she can be my girlfrien...
No Description
I been working on flipaclip for abiut 2 or 1 hour so ye =<= im super tired
I love her so much =3 I wanna ask her if she would like to be my girlfriend.. she well probably s...
Thats nice