XxKrystilinexX MAKES PPL TR...
kry:. . .
screw up: I-I'm ugly...kry..give me my mask back. °wipes tears with tail.× kry:...+starts to cry.×
screw up:..no. kry: what if 4 people wanna say yes, the. will you take the mask off..? screw up: ...
they don't need to be inside of her to live. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Moon {mom}: so where that girl you've B...
screw up: calm down.. he's just a human. Me:....but...he's...a...furry...in..this..game.. screw...
their name is peppermint, they're a cutie.
when ever I never or with you..I feel..all...weird..and tingly inside... i-i think I l-like you....
you might not remember me, but I'm krystiline......
and key is jealous that screw up stole her spotlight? xD
depends if I don't quit...
. . . evryone hates me. . . p e p p e r m i n t d o e s. . . s h a d o w d o e s. . . s h a d ...