Animal:Wolf-Dragon Likes:candy,nature,meat,honey,singing,dancing,partying,and playing Crush:No ...
My new OC Animal:Bear-wolf Birthday:March 15th Crush:No one Likes:Food,nature,honey,family,...
Nightsky ♡
Can we talk....
But...I don't think he likes me...
Name:Sandy Animal:wolf Likes:Singing,and dancing Dislikes:Freddy,and Mangle Cruah:??? Theme:...
My new OC'S :|
Candy:Um...hey guys!
BeLlE wAs RiGhT I aM A mOnStEr....I MaKe TeArS...aNd BrEaK hEaRtS
It was meh friend Blu's idea!
Comment if u want to be in my meme! I only need 4 ppl
Bored af
Draw myself as Harley Queen
I look like a retard ;-;
Type:Dark,and Wind Name:Cynth