
  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

Okay so ive never really had any crushes i mean i still have slight crush on an animated charecte...

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39 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

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42 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●


17 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

19 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

I want to draw stuff, and I want you guys to tell me what to draw but I may not be able to draw i...

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43 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

Understand that I don't ship all of these but these are all the ones that I can think of from the...

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15 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

Does it look good? ^////^

15 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●


6 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

Okay, if I say "love, luv, bab, or even hun" it doesn't mean I "love love " them it's just what I...

26 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

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10 views - 6 years ago

  Tarpit Eyes ●▪●

Name: Carlyle
Gender: Male
Outfit: Suit top
Accessories: No eyes


7 views - 6 years ago