Teal: but your the only person that lets me be on the bottommmm.. ;-;
Jammy: you should of thoug...
Zip: I know... But- the whole app's gonna be pissed if you stop now...
Zip:*sniffle* .. O-okay.....
I'm not sorry for the sin.
I am sorry for this awful drawing, ugddugdgudiydjgditd im too tired t...
Teal: oh, it's not going to well.. Thanks fo-
Zip: ThEn I sUgGeSt yOu fiX iT, BiTcH
Teal: ah!!...
It did...
Zip:*low growling*
Idk I what to draw ;-;
Teal: I need to tell you something now. Like, right now.
They're masks are like creatures. They aren't regular masks.
Teal's is chatty and playful, Richa...