Weasel(oh look it's me shar...
I have no idea how long this took
*Psychotically laughing* *sharpens claws*
I'm dead inside but whatev'
Do you?
She's really important to me
I accidentally dropped Katpatchy while sleeping but I picked her up when I woke up
*yawns* see ya guys in the morning...
I sometimes feel lonely when my friends aren't around
Make a animation of you trying to kill me, I totally won't die cuz im totally invincible!
Please don't... I'll explain if you ask in the comments...
I only did this because I'm bored, nthis is not for the request
I kid's coffee /w\
I challenge you to draw a cat! If you draw a cat you get a price of a request!
On Friday, if I reconize what character someone is cosplaying as, I'm going to go next to them an...
Idk I'm bored
It's pretty hard!
Me:ANIME!!!! (I'm a total weeaboo)