Sorry I wanna take a break
When you got back you told him how kind he was yesterday he smiled and said says the one who grab...
You walked back into your room and saw him sitting up just waking up to
1* go get him food
2* t...
You wake up before he does but you see that he has his arm wrapped around you waist
*1 kiss his ...
He pick you up and carries you home, you wake up in your bed and see him asleep at the edge of yo...
He stands up and kisses you and that makes you more happy and he asked if you wanted to date him
He falls on his knees crying tears on joy and his tail is wagging he tells you that he has loved...
You notice that the x in his eye is now a heart and his voice stutters you kissed me?. . .you see...
You notice he is blushing more and more then he asks you: so your not lying about having feeling ...
He looks you dead in your eyes and smiles and says I'm flattered really but you don't have to fak...
You tell him you might have feelings for him he chuckles and asked if your jocking
1*yes you are...
You notice that the sun is setting and we are headed to the beach
1* ask him what we are doing a...