No...stop...thats floofy...I love him...
STOP. anahsnshsnsnsnsndndnd
Hey, uh can you describe your of to me I wanna make a full drawing of them.
like what is their e...
-*-Open me please, babes-*-
Pleasee follow me people :>
Pleasee follow me people :
Pleasee f...
As long as sherri bleeds. sherri is okay.
Bluepastel is okay as well. :)
I'm not eating and forcing myself to throw it up because I'm think I'm fat. I just think 60 Lbs. ...
I hate when people just ignore me or see what you said or what you wrote and just ignore you.
I might draw like this.
some rude person wanted to call me.."it" cause I'm gender fluid. "So...
Floofy can call me whatever~.
-and girls.
so what should I do?!
yes I have a Bri doll...
"shfuudup." x')
I have dolls of everyone I admire especially Tracey,...
why did I do this.
why did I spen 10 minutes on this?!
Why are you still reading..