What should I name her? She is bi She is tomboy She is very playful She is a human being
This is a very old pick a spot that I never completed by now it’s here! Spot 1: Bella Spot 2: ...
If you do, here are some students you can be (btw, imma be da clumsy and awkward one) Yandere S...
Only my friends know this but today, she came back!
Any Dares?
What should I doooo? ((Btw, last chance to join meh high school rp))
This drawing is so bad XD ((imma be the clumsy one again))
Senpai Yandere Shy one You can m...
Convocation: Him:will you be my gf? Me: no Him: please? Me: no Him: please!? Me: fine Him...
No Description
Theme: crush......idk, I was bored
Pick a spot
Post this on your account if you have a crush ((the credit goes to ender so I’m sharing))
Here is meh touch chart idk, I was bored
I forgot to mention, does anyone wanna be Yandere? Btw, I’m the clumsy and dorky one :3. Here are...
Sorry I’d i disappear, I’m busy today
If anyone does, I wanna be the dork and clumsy one
I just want to get my mind off all of this drama