Firęłight_ßwekh(Why is ever...
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I'm not doing a second one it's just too much work.
(Skype is gayyyy and Snapchat is straight)
Back from school!
Hey Jonah? Thinkin' 'bout any cute boys? Jonah: Wait what!? .///////. How did you get here?!
Gtg to MMA
G:Male S: Gay P: Nice, Mean if you hurt him or be rude to his family Jonah: What?..
Honey: ???..
i can't even eat. When i drink water it makes me feel like i'm gonna throw up....all i need is rest.
my mom told me to stay home and i did. my sister as well and then i started throwing up and i hat...
(Lol yes I wore glasses irl when I was about 10 or 11 and then I put contacts in my eyes because ...
Tridum: *perks nose out* ?