Danet : c'mon Crizzy i'm sorry :(
Crizzy : NOOHOHOOOOOOOOOO!!! *cries*
Goerge : Dan.. i.. guess...
History Crizzy (path 3) :
Crizzy will calm when she sitting on garden places. It because 2-4 yea...
Her family murdered 6 years ago
Crizzy(ghost) : *creepy child laughing sound*
Danet : i feel not good..
[NEWS] : a child got eated by Danet named crizzy
Crizzy(young) : oh..
That link did russia give..that days ago..
AN is for these lenter : A I U E O
A is for all lenter (only : A I U E O)
Get it?
Young (5% vote)
•can be annoying
•being cute
•kinda protecting you
Teen (99% vote)(i voted)
Me : Dan.. i'm scared :) somebody lock me lonely in bathroom