Plot: So, here's a fun twist! Every stage of this game has a safe zone! For this first stage, the...
Plot: More people finish with the first challenge, but a disagreement between Cameron Armada and ...
Plot: More people found the correct answer to the challenge!
Plot: Yon Do and Triton Bones race to complete the first challenge first! It has something to do ...
Plot: We have our qualifiers! Here are the results of this 0th round!
Plot: We have half of the qualified players! (1-14). Some dude helps the girl stuck in goo but no...
Plot: As everyone makes it to the Goodrop Forest, someone gets stuck in a tree before the real ga...
Plot: We get the rules of this new exciting gameshow, and someone gets to the first challenge.
Let's just say... It's a bit "Gooey"
Hope you enjoy :)
Plot:Someone force feeds the Everglade Pact and joins them.
Plot: Brittish guy 1 and 2 make an allience. :D
Plot:Another brittish guy pops up in Florida, idk what he's doing in a lake but who cares about t...
I have nothing more to say.
We see the previously shown sits.
Basically, we have too many sits, but nvm that.
Peaches:Hit ...
Plot:So, jerk uses his new sit called Burn so I can spend 24 frames on animating how someone diss...
Plot:Cody Accadia is a zombie and fights with jerk who has a new sit.
Plot:Some evil stuff happens and Cody Accadia becomes a zombie.