
  Leafy that likes the song P...


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26 views - 8 months ago

  Leafy that likes the song P...

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35 views - 8 months ago

  Leafy that likes the song P...

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12 views - 8 months ago

  Leafy that likes the song P...

Vote whoever you want don’t use square brackets anymore just say their name to vote them

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10 views - 8 months ago

  Leafy that likes the song P...

27th/26th:Barf Bag/Bell:Both really don’t get screentime so uh
25th/24th:TV and...

9 views - 8 months ago

  Leafy that likes the song P...


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13 views - 8 months ago

  Leafy that likes the song P...

I’m not doing the like vote disprecition thing anymore but you still can vote
so uh we have to a...

10 views - 8 months ago

  Leafy that likes the song P...

Bowl:oh I’m UFE
Planet:bye flower!
Sunflower:I’m not Flower!
Tree Jr:Just vote who you think s...

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14 views - 8 months ago

  Leafy that likes the song P...

(There will be new voting icons)
(Candley and Watch will choose t...

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11 views - 8 months ago

  Leafy that likes the song P...

No Description

6 views - 8 months ago

  Leafy that likes the song P...

No Description

12 views - 8 months ago