rayne 0<0 (leader of cola c...
If my front page gets filled with only my animes it makes me remember how lonely I am........haha...
My finger :-:
Featuring: Rayne (me) and Dread (my demon)
Warning: has blood,suicide,and gore (kinda??)
Kill me...
Why did I make this...
Morty:*kicks Rick 1 time*))Rick:*grabs Morty*))Beth&summer:*comes home* !?))Rick: sh*t..
is in the hospital because he has the flu.....he didn't get hurt because of me!
I slammed my cats foot in the fridge and now he's hurt and I'm sad because mh grandpa said he's g...
Age: 1 day old Crush: no-on Siblings: peaches and Jripes Parents: stripes and Jay
But nobody cares...