Leah: it shows too much skin....//u lOoK gOOd tHo--
Hed be the dado that would get mad then sad
"Go tO uR roOm."
"WAiT cOMe baCk i lOve yOU"
I listen to song
Her Last Words
Made me cry
So muCH
Ivr been drawing on labtop all day
Sorry ;3;; it took like 2 hours to make this 1 drawing. It lo...
C r aw l ing
I n
M y
C r aw l.
Still live that video ;w;;; ok bye
Hey u guys should rlly watch the movie Annihilation
Its super good and i will never look a...
I made a midas wolf animation and it was too fast so i deleted amd went to fix it
AM crashed rig...
ShUt uP-- smile.//Tj: -sides of his mouth sharpen more- =-=;;; i cant fake smile.// scREe
xD one is regular Tj which is one on the right. Hes a dick and an error.
One on the left is the...
FaCe hUrts--
StOp fUckIng cRyIng---