Basically they are all cats who live in a village and just kinda hang out here’s a little bit of ...
There’s a lot more but I’m lazy lmao I’ll color and finish this later
All of my OCs are me because I’m unoriginal and boring
I have a big ass head tho so I know I wouldn’t pull off a buzz cut.😼
It kind of just taste like trix I think that’s what it’s called
I used to role-play a lot I don’t do it anymore but it was fun while it lasted lmao
But the problem is I can’t draw anthro characters anymore for the life of me lol if I could, I wo...
Especially the fury of the gods one, it was so bad that it literally gave me a migraine after. Sh...
I never end up doing it tho because I know it’s going to turn out bad lmao
30 minutes less than usual. This is a good sign because I have an absolutely horrible sleep sched...