I know...sorry.
It's this head ache...I guess I have to calm down a bit! ^_^
BRB got this head ache...
It's causing me a lot of problems...
I feel like I been pushed too much...
I know a lot of people like me but not all....I remember that night people back stabbed me saying...
Prince is a wonderful friend to me...she means everything to me!
But I ruined it...
I make a HORRIBLE STUPID AND UGLY friend...u don't but Prince does! I ruined everything!!!!
If I made her sad...I'll tell her I'm sorry but she'll never forgive me or snybody...!
PrinceFluff hated me...she hates everything about me...I'm an asshole to her! She says I'm a cryb...
Do u care if I'm dead...just a question...:(
Okay...I didn't want to stab my ankle....!!! But I did cut my thumb!!! And I don't care if it hur...