:P i'll add you or oc if ya want.
Hope you like this small bit
Fuck you sleep,who needs sleep anyways pft *falls on the ground and starts sleeping*
R.i.p, enjoy this animation while i'm working.
Hate being sick ;^;, fuck you sickness!
Sorry i look pretty ugly irl and most of the time i get called a boy (i'm female) but here is me!
Red is dead on a bed with no med, not been fed poor dead red... ok i'll stop *walks into a trash...
I can't draw cats all that well but here ya go buddy you get a chubby kitten with a pillow for it!
In this comic red turns evil n' stuff so blue and red fight and red dies because blue always win,...
Thank you everyone! You all are so nice! Thanks to my friends, family, and idols for always being...