
  ~History Animation~

6 views - 2 years ago

  ~History Animation~

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20 views - 2 years ago

  ~History Animation~

The Anglo-Franco Allies Morale would Decrease French Troops Continued to attack the Germans. Ital...

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30 views - 2 years ago

  ~History Animation~

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10 views - 2 years ago

  ~History Animation~

He is known for his gains for his reputation as a swaggering militarist through his speeches and ...

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20 views - 2 years ago

  ~History Animation~

He was Russias Last Czar and he was known for his poor handling of Bloody Sunday and Russias role...

31 views - 2 years ago

  ~History Animation~


3 views - 2 years ago

  ~History Animation~

9 views - 2 years ago

  ~History Animation~

he was known for successfully leading Britain through World War Two. He was famous for his inspir...

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39 views - 2 years ago

  ~History Animation~

his successful creation of the Fascist Party in Italy and his rise to dictator. Benito Mussolini,...

60 views - 2 years ago

  ~History Animation~

he was known for his elected president in 1898. His administration is best known for the reconstr...

12 views - 2 years ago

  ~History Animation~

he was known for previously he had been the Governor of the State of São Paulo and President of t...

16 views - 2 years ago

  ~History Animation~

He was known for his ruthless leadership as the "Iron Marshall" in the face of widespread armed r...

26 views - 2 years ago