"I'm a sweet girl...." more like I'm a worthless girl.......I caused drama with my love interest....
So in third grade,a kid that is a bully (she didnt know) asked her to follow him,he took out a kn...
Anika:But I don't like anyone and Im sure no one likes me. =^= at least,in that way. =^=
My audio on my computer messed up and scared the crap out of me-
Im a horrible friend,a horrible daughter,and a horrible student-
I put band-aids on them so they wouldn't hurt if something touched them-
It's a joke I'm not actually alergic to Easter-
Took me a bit. Kept getting distracted. Hope ya like it!
Almost got a freakin heart attack bc my computer messed up- ;<; anyways. Goodnight!/Anika:Night p...