Any questions about sapphire? I would love to answer them. Or maybe the twins or anyone!
Oh, boy.. superpony won't like this..😬
Poor doublune. She is so tired and Mr carrots just got back from Easter rounds. She hasn't slept ...
Mr carrots is once again making a trip around the world for Easter. Make sure to say thank you to...
But is now a disgusting simp.
They are now sexualising my characters!!!
I think they are a simp or something! This is disgusti...
And it's one of mine!!!!
So it seems I have been followed by a person called @Emelia Kirk 2.0
Guys, that is not me! If it...
It was a long process over 13 years
Age 1- I scribbled random shapes and sizes. I never imagined...
I love it! I feel like a rockstar!
Do you think I look cool?
Doblune had the babies!
Mia- eldest triplet.
Miles- middle triplet.
Melody -youngest triplet.
I know what you are thinking! 69! Haha!
But doublune is not shocked at that!
She is going int...
Superpony: like me but softer and sweeter. Think Fluttershy mixed with Twilight sparkle
Summer s...
Kitty:D did. It started when Doblune was created and found her way into our lives.
She is not m...
I love himouto Umaru-chan. It's got quirky characters, a lazy sister, an older brother, multiple ...
BTW, just divide Sapphire's age by 7. They are 1 and a half years older.
Can't wait for them to...
Because the twins will be 14, and sapphire is older.
Dragons from galaxies measure age in dog ye...