A ranbom very very very cute guy on the streets just kissed me and then ask me on a date-
Is ...
My mom and sister...
Idea from TheCyndaquilDud.
You guys want me to draw something? Anything? I'm bord. \
So, I have been thinking....
And I am going to meet up with The Shipper at Fishers Park at 11:...
I hope I win! :)
I'm Wolfie!
We need over 17 more reposts on The Shipper for him to stop.
Thats so much!
You show me how to draw you art stlye of an eye.
Name your post "Sh@dow's eye tutorial challe...
If I died, would all the problem with T̷h̷e̷ S̷h̷i̷p̷p̷e̷r̷ go away...?
Would he stop tormenting...
Heya, this is her best friend on her account. Please help her.
I'll be back at 2:20.
Everyone who sees this, please repost.
Hi, my name is Sh@dow Gl!tch Wolfie and want to tell y...