meow (leader of the meme te...
i might become ur local memes but idk yet
litterly one kid came up too me and said "give me ur pet so i can use my hacks to make it rly goo...
Axdan Tom and me.
I’m just putting it out there
So, im like. Very very very offline
i got confused so uh, ya. oops
the channel is called axdan in english
i spun the wheel and axdan won
kinda sad though since my rabbit died like 1 or 2 months ago ima use this for the tourniiment to see who wins
marsplays21 vs axdan. vote who u think will win
meme drawings always win.
um, i think thats all. remind me if im forgetin
i been gone for a bit. i was in mexico. im back. also ive finally decieded the series is just g...
I wanna make the animation but my personal life keeps getting in the way. I’m latterly in Mexico...
bet u can guess who is who. if u dont just ask. also this is the last time ima offer for anybod...
im bad at speling. also the seres is gonna be stickman btw.
i fricken almost finished the beginning of the series but my chromebook reset and not i have to r...