I'm leaving ( my new accoun...
This will be the flag of moron an Romancian island but on other continent
He is a white fox
Pror has two versions one is white and another is black
P- popular R- republic O- of R- rom...
Haha, Myra ik ur father was a kidnapper and I'm not scared of u, kidnap me and go in jail
And yeah Romancian flag has two versions one is white and another one is black
The language in romancia is high valyrian
Haha, she is my classmate and she's saying that she'll kidnap me because I said I don't love her ...
It's so small country near United kingdom and sealand is standing on two walls
Romancia × Romank-republic
Denskland × Densk-republic
Jenny is commenting a link on everyone's post don't click on that link that's totally disgusting