Anything.. Everything.. I neeeeed some followers that actually will see mah art ;-;
Female, she is also lesbian and is mah main rn. She is plazma's sister. Also is a dragon.
Heyyo! I said i would quit but i kinda wanna still post stuff so yea.. I wish Night would post ag...
Perfect timing. My friends quit right when I do. Miss you all. 99 followers is all you guys are g...
I practiced art and I guess I can say I kinda improved. Just wondering if I have any more friends...
I think the only person here who remembers Alex is probably Liza, Jin, or Night. I miss her so mu...
I have no idea what the fuck this is. Pumpkin heavily inspired by Bobby Duke. Gn! Gotta sleep for...
Poor bab ;0; also if ya wanna roleplay go on mah recently commented and go on de one with Irlene....