DeathAndViolet! 💜♥ (member ...
So a long time ago He had a family That was very not nice His parents beated him up and hit h...
Darkness: THE HECK IS THAT Me: (wow darkness got more questions than justin tobys oc I didn't no...
Darkness: *turns into among us* Darkness: Actually I was going to play that gAme
Darkness: Ok :3
Darkness: yo what the heck? I'M JUST A KID I'M YOUNG Darkness: Yes I can die But not right now
Darkness: o//////o Usually I'm a kid Darkness: mE iS nOt cUte
Darkness: O_O uH NOPE
IMMA KEEP THIS >:333333333 Violet: =/////////= I hate you
*shows his eyes*
A1 Ace: I'm shy 😟
Ace: 😓
He doesn't show his eyes (idk why) ;_;
Abby: nOOOOOOOOOOooooo