I don't understand stand you people, it's obvious that corrupting is bullsh- wait, why are my han...
It's obvious you just put makeup/draw on yourself
But like I said, absolute bull shit
He's probably seeing things because of lack of sleep or some...
It's obviously makeup, and it just seems stupid plus, corruption is what happens to files after a...
I fell asleep but it doesn't even matter, the things we kidnapped were parasites, they managed to...
they brought back the body of that "Fnaf Fan" guy and there is barely anything left of their face...
I don't understand why the boss is making me call these logs "tests" anyways the dark blue one is...
wow, I didn't know sleeping with your eyes open was possible, anyways the brown one is still slee...
Things are going great, he's unaware he's been taken to the factory. I'm thinking of trying mixtu...
So when I was smaller (not that much younger) I had an experience with a strange shadow figure th...
I found a song that helps me work on the FFCC movie, I got about 20 frames done within 10 minutes...
these some sick beats