billie jean is such a great song onggggg 😫😫😫😫😫
i cant decide if i want to go back to school or if i wanna stay quarantined during school
french is so fucking beautiful istg im jealous
rushed but bored
i got nun else to do, this looks like doodoo lmao
i do be obessed w vrchat now 😔 there hella cool people out there that i could connect w hella easily
when im singing in vrchat people be saying little boy ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ they aint know my gender is my voice tha...
imagine losing your voice in a vrchat karaoke server lmfaoo
i be messing around to much cause i...
so i sing in vrchat for entertainment then this guy came up to listen, he was like 18 or so and ...
everyone thinks im a teen, is my voice that different 🤔
13 yr old on vrchat on a lookout for friends, not make friends my age cos everyone to immature so...