This is the most frequently seen Luja Hunter. He has this pet which can easily demolish Lujas and...
They write and pronounce words differently. Like they would pronounce the word A as Z but they wo...
In the presence of another Evodiviner their faces go back to their normal color. Like instead of ...
A little away from the broken forest kingdom, they found the forest Guardian. It was missing it's...
This is the king of the fire kingdom. There are 3 human rulers. The others are all monsters or hu...
This is Mason. He's a nerd and a little chubby but not much. He gets super nervous at times and i...
TanTan: I'm not traveling with someone whose face I don't know. And you're not traveling without ...
*He pulls his scarf over his face. He wrapped it so it won't come off unless he takes it off*
TanTan wants to see what Traveler really looks like but Traveler refuses.