
  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶

I yelled NO!!!! At my brother and he said your a big no then i yelled no again and he said your b...

7 views - 6 years ago

  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶

He says ok then he hands me a chip and I'm like I want some chips and he's like you said a chip t...

4 views - 6 years ago

  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶

And who wants to be in the meme

6 views - 6 years ago

  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶

Did you know only female driggens have 2 different colored eyes and mate only in winter

6 views - 6 years ago

  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶

Cause if so I'll quit the game and go role in the mud like the person I am and no one can change ...

23 views - 6 years ago

  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶

I tried to draw a high it's pretty gringy

10 views - 6 years ago