I almost got killed... And Ink Sans saved me! But then Fell came and tried to kill me and ink :(
Say sans to join and I'll vote 1-0 meh 2-3 worth it 4-5 going golden baby! 6-7 OHHH YAH 8-9 FANTA...
Guess my gender! Say shomer to join! ^3^ :3 :::3 XD SPIDER CATTTT ok now I see nothing 0.0
She is so freaked out for her sis :( this episode is sad when she says: IF THEY GET TO THE BARRIE...
For:TheGamerGirlKid too :3 i wuv my senpais please comment and good!
:( plz send me something I'm so sad and lonely right now. WHERE ARE YOU SENPAI!!!! (Sry I'm sad)
:3 pwease gwood awnd cwomment(please good and comment!)
It's the end you won't be seeing me anymore!!!! Jumps off the end of my animes and off the phone*