Scarlet but doesn’t want to...
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Wow will I ever stop growing
Playing weegee board
Zombie obvi
Every fail I get to dare you todo something
Only one person knows what’s in the box and he must not tell
Uhh how am I gonna do this Soka: do what? AAA Violet: yeah what ye gonna do? FUCK
Hight: 50,000 ft tall Weight: 5000 tons Power level: ??? God save us all
Hopefully she comes back One day... one day
Anybody t or d or some shit I’m just fuckin bored
Shit Soka: scarly DONT CALL ME THAT Soka: but your suppose to be mine NO STaY THE FUCK AWAY...
God dam it
If auto is my “son” that means lemon is my “son” and than zombie is me grandson AAA Me no like