đź’›LittleBigPlanet Newtonđź’›
not so cute anymore.
*insert clever description here*
sence UwU Newton exists than why not UwU Sackboy..?
this is basicly UwU Newton's backstory
i think he got worst
so there was an infection that turned evryone into an UwU version of themselves and if an UwU hu...
so me and my good friend were playing truth or dare in littlebigplanet 3... then she asked an od...
Newton evry time he sees an UwU Cat or any kind of gacha heat:
can i kill it now??? please???...
i wonder what punishment Newton got for releasing the titans..? I NEED ANSERS.
in my opinion he looks like an UwU cat but cute.
this is very cringe
Name: C O M P U T E R _C A T Backstory: she's a robot created by non other than Newton. he wan...
so this was The kitty Queen when she was 8 years old and her parents abandoned her in a prison s...
well i just dont know what went wrong
makes sence.
audio: https://youtu.be/lr6ck-3C0CM
i'm pretty sure he ment to say stop but that works too..
dialogue: Captain Pud: Newton Newton Newton: yes papa? Captain Pud: consuming titans?? Newton...