My hair can shape shift. No kidding. Every morning I have different hair. Some times attractive, ...
I hacked anime maker and made it possible that I can post pictures now. This is a picture of me i...
I’m not really proud of this. Irl I drew a much better eye. It’s just this app and the fact that ...
Someone has a cwush! :3
Species: Eye Demon Monster Thingy// Personality: Trickster, Fortnite lover, dat stuff.// Sexualit...
I’m backo! Did yah oofiez miss me? Hehue xD Ima sleep bai oofieeeeeeeez
Just practice. This is me btw. It’s a horrible animaton. Ik. I just felt like Venting.
Im still on a break... I might never come back....
JK HAHFCVGHHVGGVHG I’m just gunna be gone fo...
Mah gawd tbh I’m pretty proud :0 also I’ve been thinking if this can be A oc’s future kid? Like G...
Just a sloppy animation before I sleep- oofiez ;3; Gn frens
Aaa dis is meh irl sadly ;-; blood means it happened today-
Got dem all in one year! Horray ;-;