They just moved from an literal ice cream shop. They are nice and sweet, they have a fetish for c...
An ice/snow that loves the sun. But after a while the sun will start to melt her , slowly killin...
Merry: I'm so shexy , you all ready know! I'm in the way to fast lane. From Japan to USA
(Emery ...
Gender: F / P: Outgoing, brave/ Likes:Warm weather/ D.Likes: Cold weather/ Fact: Even though she ...
Subject 001 seems to smile everytime we come near it. It also dresses as a female...No clue why 0...
Yep that's what we've named this "child" there will be more of it....
( You can join this if you...
We need to talk. And this is mandatory , I its very serious.
Becuaee like really? They were way out of your leave anyway nibba.
1. (Your choice)