juice WRLD " lucid dream "
My brothers football games, basketball and just stuff that I want to get done ;-;
w he e z e ;-;
I've wanted to do this do so long euduwueufhwyyoryhwhdhdorhtgqfvcbndgwf - but uh I'm trying my be...
I might not be on here much because ima take the day off to get some things done ;-;
your welcome
I d a r e you
It's really bad for my mental health but I feel way better when I'm with Rylan ;-;
I just want ...
I did this because brielle told me she would back off Rylan for me •u•'
and my anxiety of Rylan ...
My mind: JEBUS AGAIN ;-; why am I always the point tho? ;-;
Coach: okay Lindsey you go in for *s...
Okay so. You kneed her. Some reason they didn't call you so..keep going like no one saw it, •-•
Me: wait wouldn't that make me the best player on the team though???
Jordan: I guess so
Me: •.•'
My mind: has she forgot who I am I always hurt someone playin' sports
I got itimadated playing b a s k e t b a l l
w he e z e
I'm worried about who likes him and if he likes them better than me ;-; -- I have some typ...
I seriously want someone to like me ;-; like I just do I don't know why I just really want someon...
W he e z e I'm way to competitive ;-;
w he e z e