
  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶

Is that ok I think I sprung my ankle

2 views - 6 years ago

  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶

Btw this weekend ima be on a different account cuz I found my tablet and I'm going to my ants to ...

5 views - 6 years ago

  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶

If you make fun of him I will kill you and each you suffer

22 views - 6 years ago

  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶


I'm just showing my cousin trying to make him get the game even though he draws bad

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10 views - 6 years ago

  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶

I made him bigger than me so you guys can see him better I'm bigger than him hes 7 and I'm 9

8 views - 6 years ago

  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶

Some people think I'm wierd others think I'm too kind others think I'm straight up phsycho others...

6 views - 6 years ago

  ◀kayden◀ the ▶çûpcãkë▶

Yester day I almost broke my foot and now I almost got choked

3 views - 6 years ago