Oli, Henry, Sprinkles, and Justin: *bust out laughing*
((Don't forget to suggest questions and d...
Honestly I'm too tired and lasy to acyualy atay on here and draew byeereee
Oli: FIFFY OOO! (Fifty two)
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There's a 10 episode miniseries that appeared in Cartoon Network 2 or 3 years ago called "Over th...
Fitz be like: YEET. NOT IN MY HOUSE.
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lol I just did it irl, nothing happened. I want you all to know, there's an app you can get that ...
Each member of The Gang chose the item for one round!
Henry: Scroll
Oli: A spider
Fitz: Her gl...
Meet the new 50s themed band, Gang Bang! (The name sounded so 50s, I had to)
Fitz as the lead si...
May: o///^///o
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((Don't forget to suggest questions and dares in the commen...
Lego Batjokes is best ship. Honestly, you can go back through all my pages of anime, I'm obsessed...
Sprinkles: Henry's going to sleep, I think I will too.
Justin: Yeah me too...
Oli: Well I guess...
Oli's looking for the best pickup line! Put one in the comments for him to use! The best one, wil...
Henry: I... Love... It...
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((Don't forget to suggest questions and dares in the comments!))