Jake: well..i don't really have a 'crush'..as you call it...i used to fancy a fictional character...
Tj: get tf off me.//Tyler: -cri- nOooOooo
Tyler is female btw my friendos
She the shorter one
They include: Tj. Tyler. Vince. Jake. Elijah. Kanden. Hana.
Jake: ????//Vince: -doing weird shiz in background-
I shortened it a lil mainly cuz it would just repeat the same frames :/
I tried
Dont pay atte...
Elijah doesnt really understand kissing females xD
He tried ok
O O F--
Elijahs taking dares
Brb btw
Oof yea
I'll finish it tonrorw maybe
And yea i spelled tomorrow wrong and im not fixing it.
Spector: im the king.
Elijah: then im the prince >:^
Spector: what no then youd be my son--