well i reached to 20 im srry i cannot perchase
(help mermaid steve catch minecart before explode) steve: im done :D *mincart rolls off* steve: ...
nightwing:guess what cynder: what nightwing:im scavinging! cynder:ok nightwing trips over fandroi...
elamentdroid hits fandroid when freaked out at end elament droid drops fandroid fandroid cracks e...
animation thogh indomanis rex(me) blue(me again) robot t rex(forbidden file) TRIgGErED....omg IM ...
sundroid the snivy: ima spin you around little lizard:AAAAAAAAA @-@
inflation bloat so big pop or not pop
the good dragon wins and then gets eaten by bad dragon lol xd
lizardroids brother betrayed him and became a bully
inflates so hard that he blastes and dizzy @ - @