My brother wants me to play baseball with him and I've been in my room al day XD so Ima go outsid...
I've now made two stories and I'm so happy with them! :3
Circus members: 40 *changes* Circus members: 42
( hope you enjoyed that story i...
*the moment you step out of the circus tent it disappears* *all you see is a poster and the ring ...
???: WaIT You CaNt LEavE mE hErE!!!! PLeaSe!!!!
-your choice
*the knife breaks and turns into dust* HAHAHAHAHA YOu IdIOt THat KnIFe ONly WoRkS ONcE!!!!
You've searched almost every where but you can't find them *the ring master is right behind you* ...
You remember Mark and his sister but you don't know if there even alive or got out already
???: *starts bleeding out black blood*
-your choice
*theres a knife with a different language on it*
-your choice ( I already know what's gonna happ...
*they turn into a giant creepy monster* YuU SHuoLdnT HAve DoNE ThaT
-take his hat
-your ...
???: *they grab you* we can't let you leave!
-your choice
( Mark and his sis have disappeared ) your cornered on both sides
- try and run threw the ring ...
Mark comes running in* SIS!
*you notice a figure standing in the entrance*
-your choice
There's a girl in the water tank who still alive but unconscious
-get her out
-leave her
*you hear a scream come from the other side of the area*
-go to where the scream came from