One of the best endings ever to one of the best kirby games ever.
They kinda suck.
'Cept the first one. The first one's dope.
I can joke around all day... but i have something to tell you. I both have autism and the feeling...
Due to "IRL" complications/family happenings, (yes i do have a life) i may be leaving anime maker...
Sombodee klobbahd kurbeh...
But hu?
Dunno, bandanna dee has it covered, though.
Yeah, it's reppetitive, i know.
This is why i have no followers.
Hey, you! Yeah you! I want you to do a kirby animation! It's completely optional, though.
If th...
My favorite is zelda: ocarina of time.
Now, my personal "genre preference" is CLASSIC.
Such as:...