Wait a min. Mrkrazykupcakes.. You have kik right? I have my miku cosplay on there owo
Maybe c:
He's also my husbando. I hope no one offers him water ;n;
Ah damn...
Every time I come on, there's either someone talking about their problems or some type...
Well I'm sure you'll find another? Idk. I'm single and it's great c: Relationships are jus...
Wow xD
I need to watch his videos more again. He's great c:
Anime maker seems to be slow right now.. *sigh* its storming
Hey sup? c:
Im gonna be mr enderman for a couple of days because he's gorgeous o//u//o
Just dropped by to say hi but it seems like you're having some sorta private conversation. If the...
I know
Sorry I had to scar you for life. I used stars as censor bars though! xD
Earlier we were having a nude party and we scared tyler away. It was hilarious.
It's fine zero xD
No biggie. That pose looks cute on you too c:
Okay okay girls.
Enough with the nudity. We're making guys run for the hills xD