This was hard
Teehee! 😂
What was I thinking
♣♠♥♦♥♠♣↑↑↓↓←→←→B A start
Inspired by
The Emperor's new clothes
1 color filled and color outline
2 color filled, but black outline
3 black filled, but color ou...
Martha is the woman from "Big butt, big breast, the end"
I forgot were I put my i-pen, so I animated without it
Dgjkfhgcjbcjjcgcjvgjccvjjbcjbccvjjigcvhkhvkkvhkvhvhkhkvhkvchkhcohcohvoovh cgkiyfyvoiydkgcgxjjgxgc...
The tables have turned
His hand is in his pants for some reason