The other Mr.Man drawing is fine but I’m gonna redraw others like Mr.Wam, Business Ben etc.
Anyone else feel a evil doppelgänger trying to murder you behind you? No? Just me? Okay
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Animators Club and Circle People Adventures are back! They will be longer episodes because of the...
With happened while I was gone!?
Every video has a piece of the TAA! Lore in it. The endgame will be the finale of the lore. Welcome
I redesigned all the Circle People Adventures except for Mr.Man, Business Ben and Mr.Nam. I will ...
This show was really popular and I want to get that ball rolling again! I am having auditions for...
It’s been a while. Almost a year. I never meant to leave but I got caught up with YouTube.
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I will be posting every Sunday and Wensday.Only those days.Everyone can keep their things I may m...
Hello.This is my last anime.Here are who gets what:
Moog:Circle People Adventures
BFB 4:Mr.Nam...