I decided since I was bored I would come back but not be active
I might update my pfp to the m...
Im moving my fan base to discord and youtube becuase this app doesn't realg server a purpose to m...
join the tsar discord server https://discord.gg/nevXXNM
My server https://discord.gg/EWJwxwU
fir a weak because im working on a collab with maple movies and soviet socialist mapping on yt we...
ok so I'm doing a collab with soviet socialist mapping (on yt) one more yter is involved. Its me ...
Ok look I won't be so active because I have a laptop now
there is new roles channels and a bot
Invite https://discord.gg/EWJwxwU
Hello we are currently updating the discord server. I've teamed up with my friend and youtuber ik...