Hey guys, some stuff has come up, and I don’t really feel like talking about it rn, but I won’t b...
Y’all should watch this play called “The Woodman” it’s the origin of the Tim man from the wizard ...
I had some plans come up and I won’t be here for the wb tonight, but I promise I will make time t...
I always get the bad essays. Anyways, I have some free time so I thought I’d stop in and say hi! ...
I have school, but enjoy this silly lil guy :)) I might get on and comment throughout the day, bu...
BK back for the wb??? Indeedo! Go to the link on my “you’re invited” post to join :)
I’ll still be like fifteen to twenty minutes, but I should be able to get on soon, so ye. Sorry a...
Sorry, I fell asleep last night, but I’m gonna try and be back tonight to continue the wb. Anyway...
“Hey there! I’ve set up a barbecue outside my house, why don’t you come hang out! I’ve got some o...
The wb is almost done, I’m just setting up a few more things/ideas
Ok I just got back, but my phone is buggin out and I’m exhausted. I’ll be back tomorrow though :)...
If anyone is willing to do that, I should have it set up around 10:15 CT
Sorry I was gone for nine months, a lot of shit happened l, and my parents were being really cont...