I forgot how weird this app was and the people on it (including myself) like just all the petty n...
Wish I had a valentines but at least I have an excuse to draw my oc couples instead of doing work...
Yo, haven't really been posting and still trying to stick true to me saying that I'd never leave ...
I know it looks unfinished and I bit wonky I personally think I could've done a bit better but I ...
Sorry it started off better but kinda got worse hopefully I can fix the wonkyness once it's done,...
I wanna go out so badly but I'm scared because there will be nobody else cosplaying and I'm surro...
Anyway how's yall doing? I've been off for quite a while sorry for being so inconsistant recently...
You're making an improvement but suddenly you're straight back to square one again? That's kinda ...
Sorry the drawing today looks a bit pointy and messy I've kinda got really used to drawing on pap...
I know some things look a little off and maybe I tried and failed at adding detail but I like thi...
Yoo just checking back in to say hi because I've been off for a while sooo hi also yes I've been ...
I'm not having a party for it for maybe about like 2 weeks and all I'm doing tomorrow is revision...
I mean I can't blame it I was gone for ages but even before that..
My most recent user has been Miss Moon Studios just if you get confused :P
Hey so uh I had a better drawing planned for this post but it turned out shit so whatever anyway ...
It's just for today I want to take today to improve my art skills and get better and learn new th...