This level is extremly unsecure, and super dangerous. You might end up in dead ends, with partygo...
This backrooms level is very dangerous. It is Filled with partygoers, and bacteria. You also can ...
I am planning for the backrooms tonight. (New levels)
How i started to bleed: i accedentaly touched a pin from the floor
I worked really hard on this. Please don't judge me about it.
Yea so bf woke dave up in the middle of the night for no reason. Thats why dave is wearing socks.
I need a break, man. I am going to take a nap. I will be back in a few hours.
I am absent from school today, so good thing i wont die of bordom. (It's my lucky day)
Everything for dave and bambi 4.0 is just a sneek peek. Btw you might see mr. bambi in the title ...