I can't believe it reached an amount I didn't think I would reach so quickly,Thank you very much ...
(Only people who speak Spanish 🏀🦐🔥)
Todos los que hablen Español pasen su discord ALV 😃( PQ SI)
He literally went 1 hour without his phone because he forgot where he left it
I will make a fanart for the first 4 people who comment ME
(The only condition is to make a dr...
There you can also take it as a reference for some fanart
(Nobody will make me a fanart but the ...
Contexto (ESPAÑOL):
Lo que sucedió fue que el 26 de septiembre de 2014, seis estudiantes de la E...
(I hope the animation have likes)
la chica en mi dibujo está inspirada en la Bikina
Protagonista de una popular canción mexicana